Indulge in the ultimate expression of love with our "Rose Petal Kisses Bouquet & Charm Bracelet Gloss Bundle." Featuring deep red roses, delicate pink carnations, luxurious red lilies, charming lavender daisies, and a sprinkle of limonium, this meticulously arranged bouquet evokes feelings of passion and tenderness. Complementing this stunning arrangement is the 'Paris Place' exclusive lip gloss collection, with an add a touch of elegance and sentimentality, each bundle includes a chic charm bracelet, perfect for wearing as a reminder of your special Valentine's Day. Whether celebrating a budding romance or cherishing years of love, this bundle is the ultimate expression of affection that will leave your loved one speechless. Order now and let the magic of roses, lip gloss, and a charming bracelet create a Valentine's Day memory that lasts a lifetime.